This is the way I roll
I wrote a piece of code that I'm fairly proud of. It was a bit of last minute effort before leaving my current job at MBARI, so it isn't polished, but I like the way it turned out. I used test first development for a lot of it and also some fluent interface stuff. It turned out being one of those code bases where I was able to come out of it with both decent functionality and a clean API, and that is an accomplishment in my mind.
You can see the project with full source code here. It's da bomb... (not) dot com. It's a timeline widget for displaying time based events along a single time axis.
You can see the project with full source code here. It's da bomb... (not) dot com. It's a timeline widget for displaying time based events along a single time axis.
do you know evan walker .he came to me in a dream , josh_smith638 yahoo
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